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30 seeds, 8 grams in pouch, this variety is fragrant, hardy, has thick leaves. After the soil thaws in early spring, timely irrigation of green water can be planted in early April. To choose loose soil, flat terrain, thick soil layer, good irrigation after the selection of soil plots, combined with land preparation into the base fertilizer, mainly farm fertilizer, and superphosphate mixed with the base fertilizer, combined with the soil when the soil is turned into the soil. Choose black weeding mulch cover, planting row spacing of 40 cm, plant spacing of 25 cm.

Thyme Thym

SKU: E021
  • Growth habit
    Like warm, light and dry environment, the soil requirements are not high, but it grows well in calcareous soil with good drainage and irrigation. Loose and well-drained ground, sunny.
    Use: B/C/E/H/I Life-cycle: more than 15 months plant-Region: national germination - Suitable temperature: 15-20℃ Growth - suitable temperature: 15-30℃ emergence - days: 6-9 days Plant - Height: 20-40cm
    Adult plant - Crown width: 20-30cm Planting - Flowering: 140-150 days of light - Demand: Prefer sun or semi-shade planting - Season: Spring to autumn planting - Difficulty: ★★ planting - Index: ★★ flowering - Color: lilac (upright)

    Biological characteristics
    Subshrubs, stems numerous, creeping or ascending; Sterile branches emanating from end or base of stem, leaves oval, apex obtuse or slightly acute, base cuneate or attenuate, entire margin or rare 1-2 to serrate, glabrous on both sides, inflorescence capitulate, more or less flowered, flowers with short petioles. Calyx tubular bell-shaped or narrowly bell-shaped, corolla purplish, purple or lavender, pink, nutlet subround or oval, squished, smooth. Flowering July - August.

    Planting guide
    1. When to plant outside
    Grow seedlings in the greenhouse in early spring, and wait for the late frost to pass after reasonable planting outside. The seedlings were raised in autumn when the temperature was stable at 15-20℃, and the seedbeds were overwintered and planted in early spring.

    Second, sowing and management
    Generally in June seedling, in the sowing before the first to choose a good seedbed, finishing the seedbed to be careful, deep soil twice or more, broken soil evenly, scraping the ground, must be fine leveling. Tie the support to the seedling bed and cover the sunshade net with a density of 60-70%. Because the seeds are relatively small, the seeds and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:5 and evenly scattered on the seedbed, and no longer covered with soil or thinly covered with sifted sand after sowing. Be sure to pour water, and then irrigate twice a week or so to ensure the humidity of the seedling bed, 7-9 days after sowing can emerge. When the seedling grows 2 leaves, remove the weeds in the seedling bed in time, so that the seedling has a certain growth space. Urea can be applied 1-2 times according to the growth of seedlings, and the amount of urea per mu is about 5 kg each time. Pay attention to keep the soil moist, water once before overwintering, and cover the trellises with plastic sheets to maintain humidity, so that seedlings can safely overwinter in the seedbed.

    Three, water and fertilizer
    After the soil thaws in early spring, timely irrigation of green water can be planted in early April. To choose loose soil, flat terrain, thick soil layer, good irrigation after the selection of soil plots, combined with land preparation into the base fertilizer, mainly farm fertilizer, and superphosphate mixed with the base fertilizer, combined with the soil when the soil is turned into the soil. Choose black weeding mulch cover, planting row spacing of 40 cm, plant spacing of 25 cm, mu seedling protection can not be less than 6600. When planting, pay attention to digging seedlings in the seedling bed, and be sure to bring soil to ensure survival. Water should be injected in time after transplanting. It takes about 15-20 days for the seedlings to become viable and stable after planting. Water management is important at this time. The roots of the seedlings are shallow and the soil should always be kept moist. The soil is slightly moist after watering, making it easier to pull weeds out. Generally 15-20 days irrigation once, in the growth period according to the growth trend can be applied with water urea per mu 10-30 kg. Spray 0.02% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution multiple times.

    4. Pest control
    Thyme maintenance should not be allowed to breed pests and diseases, and may also be infected with brown spot, blight, anthrax, etc., to strengthen cultivation management, fertilization should be reasonable, scientific use of chemical spraying, the initial spraying of polybacterim and other agents. It may also be infected with red spiders, stinging moths, scale insects, etc., once found to be infected with pests, it needs timely treatment, and then use agents to spray.

    5. Other uses
    The whole plant has a fragrant smell, is also commonly used spices, spicy taste, used to add in stew meat, eggs or soup, high amino acid content.

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