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1000 seeds in 7 grams pouch. Suitable temperature for germination: 15-25℃Suitable temperature for growth: 20-30℃Watering: 10-15(days)Fertilization: 20-30(days)Variety habits and usesThis exquisite herb plant, adorned in vibrant green hues, exudes a captivating aroma and possesses a delightful crispness and tenderness. It reigns supreme in the realm of soups, but can also be enjoyed in chilled or scalding dishes. Coriander, with its warm and sweet essence, is a treasure trove of minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. It can be harvested throughout the year, meticulously cut and dried for future use.

Coriander Coriandre

SKU: L01301
  • Cultivation
    1 Requirements on environmental conditions

    1. Planting instructions: This versatile plant can be cultivated in all four seasons, thriving both indoors and outdoors. Prior to sowing, it is advisable to soak the seeds in warm water at a temperature of 20℃ to encourage germination. Be cautious not to overwater the seedlings. Once the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm, they exhibit vigorous growth and should be watered regularly to maintain a moist soil surface. Apply fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer once or twice during this period. Pay attention to proper tillage and thinning, removing any weeds during the thinning process. It is suitable to plant coriander in close proximity to other leafy green vegetables. Adequate water and fertilizer management should be maintained throughout the growth period, which spans approximately 4 weeks from sowing to harvesting.
    Whether broadcasting or drilling the seeds, cover them with approximately 1 cm of soil, then rake and press down gently. During early spring sowing, when the weather remains relatively cold and accompanied by the chill of spring, it is advisable to cover the plot surface with mulch or an old shed film. Compact the covering with soil to insulate against the cold until the weather warms up and the seedlings emerge, at which point the film can be removed.

    2. Field management: Select fertile, loose, and level soil for cultivation. Apply 45,000 kg of organic fertilizer and 50 kg of compound fertilizer per hectare, mixing them thoroughly with the soil to create a bed. From sowing to harvesting, refrain from using any additional fertilizer or spraying pesticides. Employ gentle cultivation techniques within a controlled environment. During the seedling stage, avoid excessive watering. Once the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm,

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