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50 seeds in a 15 grams pouch. Red okra is mainly sown in open field in spring. In spring, direct seeding method is used in warm areas, and protected areas are suitable for growing seedlings in cold areas. Such as live broadcast in the open field, North China should be carried out around May, sowing seedlings in the shed, soaking the seeds in warm water at 50 ℃ to cool the water and then soaking for 24-48h before sowing, promoting germination at 25 ℃-30 ℃, sowing in 9cm × 9cm nutrition pot when the white is just exposed, and pulling out weak seedlings after emergence. The sowing method can be drill sowing, trench sowing, cave sowing or broadcast sowing. Generally, the row spacing is 70cm, the plant spacing is 45-50cm, the hole depth is 2-3cm, and 3-4 seeds are placed in each hole. 3.2 Ploughing, weeding and raising soil. After planting, the seedlings should be cultivated twice in time to promote slow seedling and seedling growth. Before the first flower blooms, cultivate and squat properly. At the beginning of flowering and fruit, ploughing should be carried out in time after each topdressing and watering to prevent soil compaction and weed growth.

Ocra Gombo

SKU: SC052
  • Red okra is a short-day vegetable that likes warm, moist and sunny environment. For a good high-temperature crop, red okra should be planted in a plot with deep and fertile soil layer and good drainage. It has strong heat resistance, certain cold resistance and frost resistance. Wide adaptability to soil, can grow normally in clay or sandy loam, like well-drained, rich clay loam or calcareous soil. Abstain from continuous cropping, red okra has strong fertilizer absorption and should be supplemented with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.
    Propagation method
    The general propagation mode of red okra is sowing propagation and branching propagation.
    Cultivation technique
    Red okra is mainly sown in open field in spring. In spring, direct seeding method is used in warm areas, and protected areas are suitable for growing seedlings in cold areas. Such as live broadcast in the open field, North China should be carried out around May, sowing seedlings in the shed, soaking the seeds in warm water at 50 ℃ to cool the water and then soaking for 24-48h before sowing, promoting germination at 25 ℃-30 ℃, sowing in 9cm × 9cm nutrition pot when the white is just exposed, and pulling out weak seedlings after emergence. The sowing method can be drill sowing, trench sowing, cave sowing or broadcast sowing. Generally, the row spacing is 70cm, the plant spacing is 45-50cm, the hole depth is 2-3cm, and 3-4 seeds are placed in each hole. 3.2 Ploughing, weeding and raising soil. After planting, the seedlings should be cultivated twice in time to promote slow seedling and seedling growth. Before the first flower blooms, cultivate and squat properly. At the beginning of flowering and fruit, ploughing should be carried out in time after each topdressing and watering to prevent soil compaction and weed growth. Before the plant is sealed, combine topdressing and watering, and cultivate the soil appropriately to prevent the plant from lodging.
    Prepare the ground and the bed
    Before sowing the red okra, the land is deeply cultivated 20-30 cm, the base fertilizer is applied, the mu of organic fertilizer is about 3000 kg, the diammonium phosphate is 15-20 kg, the grass ash is 100-150 kg or the potassium sulfate is 15 kg, the southern rainy area will be made into 1.2 meters wide high ridge, and the drainage ditch between the ridge is 20-30 cm. The north adopts two cultivation forms of flat bed or high ridge, which can be sown from February to June in the south and sown in early and mid-May in the north. Because of the slow growth of red okra in the early stage, the harvest began in July, in order to improve the utilization of land, it can be intercropped with other vegetables and crops with short growth periods. With well-developed roots and deep soil, OKra should be selected for deep soil layer and fertile soil. The adaptability of OKra to soil is very strong, especially on the soil with deep soil layer and high organic matter content. Before sowing, deep-turning the ground to do the bed, the bed width of one meter five, the ditch width of 20 cm, each bed wrong planting three rows, plant distance 40-50 cm, the base fertilizer can be applied into 1500 kg of decomposed manure. It should be noted that red okra is a light-loving crop, and cultivation should not be too dense.
    Fertilizer and water management
    The bearing period of red okra is long and the amount of fertilizer is large. On the basis of applying sufficient base fertilizer, it is necessary to apply fertilizer several times. The first topdressing should be carried out after the slow seedling, and the water should be timely after application. The second topdressing should be carried out at the peak of the fruit to promote the robust growth of the plant, and the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can promote the early ripening of the fruit. Red okra is drought-tolerant and should be watered appropriately according to soil moisture.
    Seedling management
    Planting is generally in the middle and late April in the greenhouse sowing seedlings, seeds need to be treated before sowing, with 50-55 degrees Celsius warm water for 24 hours, under 28-30 degrees Celsius to promote germination for 24 hours, when the white sowing in the nutrient pot (nutrient soil preparation method is - garden soil: decomposed horse manure: decomposed chicken manure = 5:4: 1, add 1 kg of superphosphate and 1 kg of urea per square meter of nutrient soil, and cover 1-1.5 cm of soil. [1]
    Straighten the branches and pick the leaves
    Pay attention to pruning the internal branches of the plant and too dense leaves, and cut off the base of old and yellow leaves in the middle and late growth.
    Pest control
    The disease resistance of red okra is very strong, the disease occurrence is less, and the root knot nematode disease is easy to occur. Before colonization, pay attention to the use of phoxiphos for soil disinfection. The common pest is aphids, which can be controlled by imidacloprid. [3]
    Timely harvest
    When the red okra plant has 7-9 leaves, it begins to bloom, 7-8 days after the flowers fall, and when the tender fruit grows to 8-10cm, it must be harvested in time. If the harvest is too late, the tender fruit will age, the fiber will increase, and the quality will deteriorate. The harvest time is appropriate in the morning, which is convenient for direct sales. The handle of the fruit should be cut with scissors during harvesting, and can not be pulled by hand to prevent injury to the branches. It takes about 50 days from sowing to the first harvest of okra, which generally starts harvesting in early and middle of June, sustainable harvesting until the first frost, and the harvesting and supply period is about 4 months.
    Potting technique
    When potted, the size of the pot is 30cm ×30cm, and 1 plant is planted in each pot. The soil of the pot is pastoral soil and about 10% organic fertilizer is added. Fertilization at seedling stage should be comprehensive, to ensure that the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is appropriate, generally start to chase and fertilize 15 days after planting, and apply fertilizer once every 10 days or so, mainly with light application and thin application. The fertilizer should avoid using smelly chicken manure, pig manure, etc., and should be sprayed with an aqueous solution such as compound fertilizer or urea to ensure that the indoor environment is not polluted by odors. When the plant has buds, fertilization with frequent application of thin application is appropriate, the fertilization interval from the original 10 days shortened to 6-7 days, when the plant begins to hang fruit, heavy fertilizer, the interval time can be shortened to about 5 days, the amount of fertilizer increased by 1 times, to ensure the development of the fruit, pay attention to do a good job of whole branches and leaves, flowers and fruits.


  • Edible value
    Red okra is rich in trace element selenium, soluble fiber and polysaccharides, and has the effect of protecting the skin, stomach and liver. The tender fruit, leaves, buds and flowers are edible.
    Red okra contains high nutritional value of protein, vitamins and minerals, its content is higher than the general vegetables and fruits, with a special fragrance, suitable for all ages, young and middle-aged and athletes to eliminate fatigue, quickly restore physical strength of great effect. Red okra can be eaten in a variety of ways, such as cold mix, soup, single stir-fry, or cooked with green pepper, eggs, meat, etc.
    Red okra juice contains pectin, lactoglycan, Arabic gum, etc. It has the effect of helping digestion, treating gastritis and gastric ulcer, protecting skin and gastric mucosa, and is known as one of the best health vegetables.
    Ornamental value
    The red autumn sunflower is large in shape, the upper part of the petals is yellow, the base is purplish red, for viewing.

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