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30 seeds, 1 grams in one pouch, popular variety. Fragrant. Suitable temperature: 20-25℃ Growth - suitable temperature: 20-30℃ emergence - days: 9-11 daysPlant - Height: 40-50cm adult plant - Crown width: 30-40cm Planting - Flowering: 130-150 days of light - Demand: Prefer sun and semi-shade sowing - Season: early spring to autumn planting - Relatively easy to planting plant and sprout- flowering - flower Color: purple to pink. Shipping: Registered mail 3$USD/Express mail 5$/usd

Origano Origan

SKU: E016
  • Growth habit
    Like warm and humid climate, strong adaptability. It is suitable to cultivate sandy loam with sunward, deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage. The soil requirements are not strict, and the general soil can be cultivated, but the alkaline earth and sandy soil are not suitable for cultivation.
    Use: B/C/H/I Life - Cycle: 12 months or more planting - Region: Northeast, East, North, Southwest, Northwest Germination-suitable temperature: 20-25℃ Growth - suitable temperature: 20-30℃ emergence - days: 9-11 days
    Plant - Height: 40-50cm adult plant - Crown width: 30-40cm Planting - Flowering: 130-150 days of light - Demand: Prefer sun and semi-shade sowing - Season: early spring to autumn planting - Difficulty: ★★ planting - Index: ★ flowering - Color: purple

    Biological characteristics
    Perennial herb, aromatic; Rhizome oblique, woody. Quadrilateral, often leafless near base. Leaves sessile, abaxially subrounded, puberulent, leaf blade ovate or oblong ovate, apex obtuse or slightly obtuse, bright green above, often purple halose, pale green below, bracts mostly sessile, inflorescence corymbose, densely flowered, composed of small spikes; Bracts acute, green or purplish halose, calyx campanulate, corolla purplish, pale red to white, tubular campanulate, bisexual corolla, corolla eaves distinctly bilabial, filaments filiform, flat, glabrous, anthers oval, style slightly beyond stamen, lobes subulate. Small nuts oval, flowering from July to September.

    Planting guide
    1. When to plant outside
    Grow seedlings in the greenhouse in early spring, and wait for the late frost to pass after reasonable planting outside. Sowing in autumn when the temperature is stable at 15-20 ° C and planting before early frost.

    Second, sowing and management
    Before sowing, we must first choose a good seedbed, arrange the seedbed to be careful, deep turn the broken soil twice or more, break the soil evenly, scrape the ground, must be fine leveling. As the seeds are relatively small, the seedbed is watered thoroughly, and after the water has completely penetrated the seedbed, the seeds and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:5 and evenly scattered on the seedbed. After sowing, the soil is no longer covered or the sifted sand is thinly covered. After sowing, cover the seedbed with mulch to keep the seedbed moist, and seedlings can emerge 7-9 days after sowing. When the seedling grows 2 leaves, it can be combined with weeding to thin the seedling, so that the seedling has a certain growth space. If conditions permit, special seedling matrix 128 hole tray can also be used to raise seedlings. Choose the land with loose soil, flat terrain, thick soil layer, good drainage and irrigation, and high soil organic matter content, apply compound fertilizer 10-25kg or phosphate fertilizer 50kg.

    Three, water and fertilizer
    After transplanting, water should be injected in time, and if the temperature rises and the evaporation is too large, it is necessary to re-irrigate once to ensure survival. It takes about 15-20 days for the seedlings to become viable and stable after planting. Water management is important at this time. The roots of the seedlings are shallow and the soil should always be kept moist. The soil is slightly moist after watering, making it easier to pull weeds out. Generally 15-20 days irrigation once, in the growth period according to the growth trend can be applied with water urea per mu 10-30 kg. Spray 0.02% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the leaf surface many times, and try not to spray insecticides during the blooming period, so as not to kill pollinators such as bees and insects. Perennial varieties should be irrigated once before overwintering to maintain humidity and safely overwintering. Early spring timely irrigation of green water, growth period of ploughing and weeding 3-4 times. According to the growth, nitrogen fertilizer or compound fertilizer can be applied once in spring and summer with water.

    4. Pest control
    Leaf spot and rust: 65% zinc wettable powder 600 times the leaf spray, insect pests are whitefly and scale insects, can be 40% Dimethoate cream 1500 times diluent spray kill.

    5. Other uses
    Leaves contain anti-aging hormone S0D(superoxide dismutase)187.80 micrograms, is the highest content of vegetables, fresh young leaves for the hotel as high-end leaf dishes.

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